
Examination Structure

  • As per university rules, college conducts 2 internal examinations – Terminal and Prelim
  • Tentative timetable is put on the notice board one month prior to the respective examination
  • Terminal exams are tentatively scheduled immediately after summer vacation
  • Prelim exams are tentatively scheduled in September
  • Internal assessment is calculated as per the university rules

Examination Reforms

  • Earlier practical marks were sent manually to university. Now the practical marks are entered on the university portal
  • Earlier CCTV cameras were not there for theory paper correction. Now CCTV cameras are installed.

Following is the list of subjects and their marks in first year

All subjects have terminal and prelim exam

Exam Code of Conduct

  • Maintaining the integrity of the examination process is crucial. All students must adhere to the following code of conduct during examinations:

    1. Identification: Carry your student ID and examination hall ticket to every exam.
    2. Punctuality: Arrive at the examination hall at least 30 minutes before the exam starts.
    3. Seating: Sit in your designated seat as per the seating arrangement posted outside the examination hall.
    4. Materials Allowed: Only bring authorized materials (pens, pencils, erasers, etc.). Electronic devices, notes, and other unauthorized materials are strictly prohibited.
    5. Behavior: Maintain silence throughout the examination. If you need assistance, raise your hand and wait for an invigilator.
    6. Submission: Ensure all answers are written clearly in the provided answer booklets and submit your booklet to the invigilator before leaving the hall.

Actions for Unfair Means

Using unfair means during an examination undermines the academic integrity of the institution. The following actions will be taken against students found guilty of unfair practices:

  1. Cheating:
    • First Offense: The student will receive a warning and a zero on the specific exam.
    • Second Offense: The student will fail the course and face disciplinary action, including a possible suspension.

  2. Plagiarism:
    • Detected in Assignments/Projects: The student will receive a zero for the assignment and a formal warning.
    • Repeated Offense: The student may fail the course and face further disciplinary measures.

  3. Forgery:
    • Consequences: Immediate suspension from the university and a formal hearing with the possibility of expulsion.

Examination and Counselling Forms

Examination SOP

Exam Timetable

Exam Form