Students must have minimum 80% attendance in Theory and Practical’s, separately to be eligible to appear for university exam as per the MUHS guidelines. Biometric Sign in and Sign Out is compulsory.

College timings – Sign in 9.00 am Sign Out 4.00 pm Late Mark 9.10 am -9.20 am Absent After 9.30 am

  • All the leave applications must be addressed to the class coordinator. Students are entitled to receive vacation and Preparatory leave as per MUHS guidelines.
  • Absence on 1st opening day and the last working day of the Term will be condoned once in two years only with prior permission, from the Principal.
  • Students leaving premises of the college during college hours will have to take written permission from the Principal.
  • No half days will be granted.
  • In case of absence due to a valid reason, student must submit a note to the Principal, stating the reason The note requires signature of respective class coordinator and posting in charge and signature of working partner who will be responsible for managing work of the absent student.
  • In case of absence due to sickness, the college must be informed within 3 working days and a medical certificate along with a covering letter has to be submitted, the day student reports to college. Fitness letter for resuming classes & clinic to be submitted as well.
  • Leave will not be sanctioned one week prior to: (irrespective of 80% attendance)
    1) Internal exams
    2) Preparatory leave
    3) Internal Assessment Submission date, except for unavoidable circumstances and with written permission.
    If leave application is not submitted by a student, he/she will be charged double compensation in vacation/preparatory leave and/or marks will be deducted from the Practical Exam marks. During vacation/preparatory leave of regular batch, long leave may not be sanctioned for the casual batch.
  • Prior written Sanction from the Principal is mandatory for attending any workshop and leave for Religious functions/ Family functions/ Personal reasons. Any such absence will be granted as per the discretion of Class Coordinator and the Principal.